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1 October 2003 Polystichum lilianae sp. nov. (Dryopteridaceae) and its relationships to P. fournieri and P. turrialbae
David S. Barrington
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Polystichum lilianae sp. nov. (Dryopteridaceae) and its relationships to P. fournieri and P. turrialbae. Brittonia 55: 317–325. 2003.—Morphological, isozyme, and cytological analyses of the small, pale-scaled polystichums from oak-dominated montane rain forests in Costa Rica and Mexico reveal the presence of a separable undescribed species endemic to the Cordillera de Talamanca of Costa Rica. The new taxon, Polystichum lilianae, is an allotetraploid hypothesized to have the sympatric P. turrialbae as one diploid progenitor based on isozyme characters. The isozyme and morphometric data also support the inclusion of P. smithii, described from southern Mexico, in P. turrialbae, described from Costa Rica. The name Polystichum fournieri, formerly used for all of these plants, applies to species endemic to Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico. It is not a progenitor of P. lilianae.

Polystichum lilianae sp. nov. (Dryopteridaceae) and its relationships to P. fournieri and P. turrialbae. Brittonia 55: 317–325. 2003.—Análisis de morfología, isozimas y cromosomas de poblaciones de Polystichum de las selvas montañosas lluviosas de Costa Rica y México indican que existe una nueva especie endémica en la Cordillera de Talamanca de Costa Rica. La especie nueva, Polystichum lilianae, es allotetraploide y parece tener la especie simpátrica P. turrialbae como una de sus progenitores diploides. Además, datos morfológicos y de isozimas sugieren que P. turrialbae incluye como sinonimo P. smithii del sur de México. Polystichum fournieri, nombre anteriormente usado para todas estas plantas, es endémica a Oaxaca y Chiapas, México, y no es un progenitor de P. lilianae.

David S. Barrington "Polystichum lilianae sp. nov. (Dryopteridaceae) and its relationships to P. fournieri and P. turrialbae," Brittonia 55(4), 317-325, (1 October 2003).[0317:PLSNDA]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 October 2003

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Costa Rica
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